Vildfaren i det perfekte liv by Pernille Karlsen



Pernille Karlsen
Line of study
Design for Planet
Communication Design
Project type

Vildfaren i det perfekte liv

Communication Design / Design for Planet / MA

Vildfaren i det perfekte liv
Vores verden bliver mere og mere digital, og mange influencere skaber en forestilling om det perfekte liv. Men mennesket farer vild i at ville opnå det, der af samfundet defineres som livsglæde. Mens hun overlever lock-down i Costa Rica, forvandler Pernille Karlsen sine fiaskoer og kampe til kreativ inspiration og deler visuelle historier på Instagram for at invitere til en adfærdsændring blandt unge under navnet @pennyflows.

Lost in the perfect life
Our world is becoming increasingly digital, and many influencers are creating the notion of the perfect life. However, people get lost in the search for what society claims to be happiness. While surviving lock-down in Costa Rica, Pernille Karlsen turns her failures and struggles into creative inspiration and shares visual Instagram stories to encourage a behaviour change in young people on the profile @pennyflows.

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