
Sabhín O'Sullivan
Line of study
Design for People
Communication Design
Project type


How can we use play and collaboration to help children learn about disabilities? WeWill is a learning program that teaches primary school students about disabilities and universal design. The program brings them together with people with disabilities in their local community, who they collaborate with to envision a more inclusive world.

Alt for ofte mødes personer med handicaps af fordomme og manglende forståelse, og det resulterer i ensomhed og udfordringer, både på det professionelle og personlige plan. Meget tyder på, at vi allerede fra barndommen bør blive bedre til at forstå personer med handicap og deres verden. Derfor har designeren sammen med Aarhus Internationale Skole, SUMH og Aarhus Kommune udforsket, hvordan man gennem leg og kreativitet kan udvikle en inkluderende tilgang til handicap hos børn i alderen 8-12 år, og dermed proaktivt gøre dem klar til at møde personer med handicap åbent og ligeværdigt.

Far too often, people with disabilities are met with prejudice and a lack of understanding, which leads to loneliness and challenges, both on a professional and a personal level. There are many indications that we ought to become better at understanding people with disabilities and their world from an early age. This is why the designer, in collaboration with Aarhus International School, SUMH and Aarhus Municipality, has explored how it is possible, through play and creativity, to develop an inclusive approach to disability in children 8-12 years of age, and thus proactively prepare them to meet people with disabilities openly and on equal terms.

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Sabhín O'Sullivan MA Thesis Video

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