Graduation with effect

52 fully-fledged designers opened Design School Kolding’s graduation exhibition at Koldinghus

- What will Denmark live off in the future? How will we continue to fund our great public sector? These are important questions that might seem inappropriate to be asking on a festive occasion in a beautiful museum setting. Or perhaps not… Because what we see on this day is an example of what might secure Denmark’s future and prosperity.

With these words Rector Elsebeths Gerner Nielsen began her opening speech at Design School Kolding’s graduation exhibtion. The historic Ruin Hall of Koldinghus made a beautiful and contrasting setting for the design projects that competed for space with the hundreds of guests that had found their way to the museum.

- In a little while, as you walk around and explore the exhibition, you will encounter examples of design with effect. Examples that support an important trend, which is that design is increasingly becoming a contributor of sustainable growth and prosperity. Danish design companies are doing very well in the export markets. And the reason for that is the fact that we educate excellent designers, Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen continued.

- This year’s graduates have all collaborated with an external partner on their project. A public institution, an organization or a company. They were required to because Design School Kolding believes that the purpose of design is that it should have an effect.

- We want to create something that takes our community, our companies and our society forward. Therefore I wish to thank the many companies that have made themselves available to our students, including our regular partners ECCO, LEGO and KOPENHAGEN Fur. Together with TREFOR, Kolding Municipality and Hospital Lillebælt they make up the backbone of our various design labs.

- Congratulations to the Class of 2016. You are wonderful, talented and passionate. It has been a pleasure getting to know you. I look forward to seeing the effect that you will definitely have wherever you decide to go.

Also attending the opening was architect and tv host Ane Cortzen who spoke with four designers from each of the study programmes: Communication Design, Fashion Design, Textile Design and Industrial Design.

This year’s largest scholarship of DKK 25,000 was awarded to Fashion Designer Jenny Hirvonen from Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond.

The graduation exhibition at Koldinghus ends 23 October 2016.

The exhibition is funded by Augustinus Fonden, Tage Vanggaard og Hustrus Fond, 15. Juni Fonden, Dansk Tennis Fond, Den Faberske Fond, Toyota-Fonden, Sydbanks Fonde and Kolding Municipality.

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