It's kind of an emotional story

Life is unpredictable. It's told in songs, movies, books and, I'm sure, even tattooed on some people. I would say it is a truth, no matter in which life situation you are in at the moment, may it be good or bad or both. I don't know what the future will hold in for me and it happens to be the first time in my life that I really have no clue what I can expect from it.

Sure, I know where I would like to start my career and which city will be my next destination, but these facts don't diminish all the thoughts running through my head these days. I'm still working on my graduation project and the deadline is approaching. The date of the photo-shooting is set, even the exact time of my exam. My daily life is filled with little catastrophes (like the complete breakdown of the digital knitting machine), other disasters (like the delayed shipping of my trim) and also happy moments (like the first sewed up piece I hold in my hand).

At one point I'm full of energy and I can't wait to present my graduation collection to the world. In lousy moments, all I want is the badly desired sleep which i'm lacking since a while and these rare days where the biggest decision may be which Ryan Gosling movie I would like to see. The Master is a big heavy package to carry and it is an intensive, challenging and enriching experience.

Looking back on five years of studying Fashion Design, I have to admit, I'm happy it is soon over. It became - and still is - such a huge part of my life, a passion and a kind of deep love, but it also never gave me a break and always took all my attention. Looking up from my computer, I see my good friend Nana caught in her thoughts while she's doing pattern construction. Nana and I are planning to move in together in Copenhagen, starting a new and adventurous life as fully-trained fashion designers. But looking at her also reminds me of something else: Friendship, family, love and a plenty of other things, I have neglected in five years. Although my life is unpredictable, I have the luxury to make my choices. For now, my choice is to sleep a little bit longer tomorrow, shut down this computer and jump back into the roller-coaster lifestyle of a graduation student.

As I said, for now...

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