Master Project 2014

My Master project has begun. I am doing some sort of information graphics / data visualization on a musical score. In other words; a visual language for music that isn’t aimed at disseminating sound in the way musical notation is, but to create a visual system, which provides a visual sense of the complexity in the structures of music. A system that I hope can serve as a tool for reading music.

The idea behind this project comes from my desire to improve the communication between conductors, musicians and audiences. And also to promote the way we understand music.

I have met with Phillip Faber, who is chief conductor of the DR Girls Choir and we had a great talk about the way he reads and interprets music. I have also met with a guy called Emil, who studies at The Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen. He showed me some of his awesome graphic notations, from which he creates experimental music.

In the pictures you can see some probes that I made, where I test how people interpret music visually. Currently, I am experimenting with graphics that are supposed to convey pitch, rythm and dynamics in music.

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