PhD defense

Shaping memory

Sisse Tanderup defends her PhD dissertation: 'Theoretical and practical perspectives on memory in Italian and Danish jewellery design'
13:00 - 16:00

There is a lack of research in the use of the theme of memory as an important aspect of the meaning of design, particularly jewellery design. The present and more in-depth literature about jewellery design and the meaning of jewellery is rather limited. With her PhD dissertation, Sisse Tanderup corrects this wrong.

The main purpose of the project is to investigate the dimension of memory in Italian and Danish jewellery design after 1945, a matter that has become more complex today compared to the past. The main emphasis is on the Italian design tradition where a culture of working with the theme of memory in the design process is present.

Learning more about the theme of memory will make designers more aware about how to shape the design of the future. One of the characteristics of memory in jewellery design and product design is slowness. A piece of jewellery can express slowness if it has taken a long time to create it and if stories are hidden, waiting to be discovered. Slowness thus characterizes the process of creating design for the future and, with the words of designer Paolo Portoghesi, even for eternity.

Assessment Committee:
Gro Lauvland, Associate Professor, PhD, NTNU
Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, Associate Professor, PhD, Aarhus University
Anders Munch, Professor, DPhil, University of Southern Denmark (Chairman)

Main Supervisor:
Dorthe Jørgensen, DPhil and DTheol, PhD, Aarhus University

Project Supervisor:
Anne-Louise Sommer, Associate Professor, MA, Director at Design Museum Denmark

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