Afgangsprojekt by Alexander Hyldrup



Alexander Hyldrup
Line of study
Communication design
Project type

No Title

”Jeg drømmer om at arbejde med concepting for spil og film.”

Ved at forene klassiske elementer fra dokumentarfilmsgenren med spil-mediets muligheder for interaktion leger designeren med grænserne for, hvad der kan kaldes dokumentarisk. I hans spil skal man filme en dokumentar om Nordmakedonien, men undervejs ændrer ens syn på verden sig og dermed også perspektivet for filmen. Hver skildring bliver således unik og drastisk anderledes end de dokumentarer, andre spillere producerer – og minder os om, at oplevelsen af virkelighed afhænger af øjnene, der ser.

No Title

"I dream of working with concepting for games and movies."

By uniting classic elements from the documentary film genre with the potential for interaction inherent in the game medium, the designer experiments with the boundaries of what can be called a documentary. The objective of the game is to film a documentary about North Macedonia, but along the way one’s view of the world and hence also the perspective of the film will undergo a transformation. Each depiction thus becomes unique and drastically different from the documentaries produced by other players – reminding us that the experience of reality depends on the eyes that see.

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