Afgangsprojekt by Eskil Ibrahim Dahlgaard



Eskil Ibrahim Dahlgaard
Line of study
Accessory Design
Project type


"As a jewelry designer, my goal is often to create something that the individual will appreciate enough to keep and maintain, so that the piece of jewelry can have the highest possible value throughout its lifetime."

Rester af ædelsten får nyt liv i disse smykker, der henter inspiration fra naturlige krystalformationer. Designeren ønsker at bringe nyt liv til ædelstenene, og samtidig lade smykkernes form reflektere materialets oprindelse. Ædelstenene er ikke fattet i ædle metaller, i stedet har accessory-designeren eksperimenteret med keramiske teknikker til dette smykkeprojekt. Ædelstensresterne i de keramiske smykker kommer fra smykkeproduktionen hos MONIES.

Fragments of precious stones are given new life in these pieces of jewellery, which draw inspiration from natural crystal formations. The designer wants to bring new life to the precious stones, and at the same time let the form of the jewellery reflect the origin of the material. The gemstones are not set in precious metals, rather, for this jewelry project the accessory designer has experimented with ceramic techniques. The gemstone fragments in the ceramic jewellery come from the jewellery production at the Danish company MONIES.

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