Grænseoverskridende / Crossing our borders by Fiorenza Scarpa



Fiorenza Scarpa
Line of study
Design for People
Industrial Design
Project type


Diskrimination er et tungt emne, men hvis vi af frygt afholder os fra at berøre det, berøver vi os selv muligheden for at tale om det og handle på det. Diskriminerende handlinger kan gøre skade, også selvom de er inden for loven eller ubevidste mikroaggressioner som ansigtsudtryk, diskrete handlinger, kommentarer eller vittigheder. Med dette projekt ønsker designeren at igangsætte en samtale om diskrimination i Danmark og Europa ved at skabe opmærksomhed om den enkeltes adfærd og bevæggrunde samt fremme forståelsen for andre mennesker.

Discrimination is a heavy topic and fear from even talking about it prevents us from dealing with it. Discriminatory behavior can cause damage even if it doesn't fall under a legal definition and even if it takes form as unconscious micro-aggressions like facial expressions, subtle behaviors, comments, or jokes. With this project the designer wants to initiate a conversation around discrimination in Denmark and in Europe by raising awareness on our own behaviors and the reasons behind them and promote understanding of others.

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