Ground-breaking Danish Designin Milan
A capital for children, a futuristic mill, a flying carpet, a fur for a house, a loom that weaves, and hundreds of bees that are drawn to a beautiful but poisonous flower. These are some of this year’s projects which Design School Kolding will be presenting at the world’s leading design fair in Milan, the Il Salone. An event which takes place from 8-13 April.
The exhibition The Tube is the result of a unique collaboration between specially invited designers recently graduated from Design School Kolding and leading Danish companies.
- The exhibition shows the close dialogue and fruitful collaboration between Design School Kolding and cutting edge design companies. Apart from sharpening the interest in Danish Design, the exhibition is a display of new, ground-breaking design which brands Design School Kolding internationally, says Rector Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen.
The Tube consists of seven specially designed containers each containing a new product, an installation or an experience which holds an artistic dimension and a commercial potential.
It is the third year in a row that The Tube concept will be presented in Milan; a concept which is developed by Curator and Exhibition Architect Karen Kjærgaard. The Milan fair is popularly speaking the designers’ Cannes. Each year Il Salone attracts more than 300,000 buyers, trendspotters and media people from around the world. Design School Kolding is part of a joint Danish venture comprising also Aarhus School of Architecture, The School of Design at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, and TEKO.
The Tube will be exhibited from 8-13 April 2014 at Ventura Lambrate at Il Salone in Milan.
The exhibition is funded by Kolding Municipality, Danish (Danish Design & Architecture Initiative), Innonet Lifestyle, Kvist Industries, Oticon Foundation, Augustinus Foundation, Toyota Foundation and Ministry for Higher Education and Science.
Companies: Kvadrat, Capital of Children/LEGO, ege, Grundfos, Kopenhagen Fur, Danish Ornamentals, Danish Horticulture, and Fredericia Municipality.
Designers: Alexander Muchenberger, Charlotte Bodil Hermansen, Chris Petter Spilde, Osmund Olsen, Rosa Tolnov Clausen, Sidsel Wittendorf and Signe Mårbjerg Thomsen.
“The exhibition The Tube is the result of a unique collaboration between specially invited designers recently graduated from Design School Kolding and leading Danish companies.”