DK Spot
NAME: Yarden Deddi
AGE: 26
STUDENT YEAR: Third year
What inspires me?
I think that buildings and architecture inspires me the most. I love to look at buildings and to wonder how do they look inside. In Tel Aviv, Israel we have a street, which is called Alenbi, and there you can see buildings from different periods of time. I love this street, I’ve walked there so many times but still every time I go there I find something new.
What am I professionally interested in right now?
I’m still at my bachelor in Fashion Design on my third year in Bezalel. Every Sunday we have history and theory day which I find very interesting. I would love to learn more about the history of art and design from the Egyptian time and up until now.
My dream assignment?
My dream is to continue in fashion but also continue studying and exploring different things like the history of art and design. In the future I would like to learn from people who are creating fashion, especially men's fashion, and gain more knowledge in this area.
Why did I choose Design School Kolding?
At first, to be honest, I was really afraid to come to Kolding because its such a small town and I come from a big city in Israel. But then, as I told you how much I love buildings, I fell in love with the modern architecture of the school building. After I got accepted to the school, a lot of people from my school in Israel started to tell me how amazing Design School Kolding is and how much it can give you.
My definition of Danish Design
It’s all about me - in the good way of course. You love your art, you love your design you love yourself. I find it amazing.
“Men allerbedst finder jeg inspiration i at tegne. Jeg har en Pentel Brushpen, og når jeg bare sidder i bar røv og drikker espresso og forsøger at corne en observation - der kommer den største inspiration!”