DKK 36.5 million to boost play and design
We know, we know! We ought to eat more of those coarse, climate-friendly vegetables like cabbage, root vegetables and beans. But rather than wagging your finger, a visual shopping list mounted on top of the shopping cart might playfully teach us to choose some of the healthy foods. ‘Grovæderne’ (the Gluttons) is created at Design School Kolding's unique Master's programme Design for Play. A new five-year partnership agreement between the LEGO Foundation and Design School Kolding will enable the creation of even more projects to further strengthen Denmark's role within play, learning and design. And the potentials are vast, explains Lene Tanggaard, Rector of Design School Kolding and professor of psychology:
- Imagine that the schools, classrooms and teaching aids of the future are designed to invite children to learn through play. That future designers trained in Denmark are some of the world's most talented when it comes to designing for play. That recycling stations are designed so that being a climate-conscious consumer becomes fun and meaningful. That a fashion company creates a clothing collection where the children themselves collaborate as co-designers. Design for play offers multiple opportunities to create a society that invites you to play and learn much more.
A new five-year partnership agreement between the LEGO Foundation and Design School Kolding is now offering further impetus to Danish design and play. We are pleased to announce that the LEGO Foundation has decided to donate DKK 36.5 million to strengthen Design School Kolding's special Master's programme Design for Play and also support the school's current research and education in the field.
- LEGO is founded on Danish values that children learn well by playing, exploring and experimenting – indeed, that they are driven by what is enjoyable. Play is also an engine for creative processes and an integral part of the Design School's way of training and researching. Letting our students, specialist teachers and researchers work enthusiastically to create playful products, processes and services for the inspiration and benefit of children and adults all over the world will therefore provide great value, says Lene Tanggaard, Rector of Design School Kolding, who is delighted at the agreement.
The partnership agreement extends the 2017 agreement, which consolidated Design School Kolding's investment in play and design with the establishment of an MA programme in design and play. The new donation means that the Design School is able to further strengthen research in play and design and engage several of the world's most accomplished designers, researchers, institutions and companies over the next five years, thereby confirming its role as an international hub for play and design in Southern Denmark.
- The LEGO Foundation regards this effort as an important contribution to the development of a future where children have the opportunity to learn through play. The world is changing, and skills such as creativity, problem solving and the ability to engage in life-long learning are more important than ever. There is a need for initiatives that spread the word about the value of learning through play in new, exemplary and experimental ways, says Anne-Birgitte Albrectsen, CEO of the LEGO Foundation.
The partnership also includes a collaboration with the LEGO Group, whose contribution offers students the opportunity to work on specific projects targeted children, and the company's expertise in play experiences is translated and incorporated into the content of the educational programme at the school.
In 2017, the LEGO Foundation and Design School Kolding joined forces to launch the world's first Master's programme in Design and Play. The original partnership agreement also included the establishment of a research unit in play and design, and as a consequence, a number of PhD students, associate professors and the renowned professor of play, Helle Marie Skovbjerg, were appointed. This has resulted in a series of research publications focussing on play, learning and design. Over the past three years, Master’s students have graduated with projects that link play with their basic skills within the areas of fashion, accessories, textiles, communication and industrial design.
About the LEGO Foundation
The LEGO Foundation shares the mission of the LEGO Group: to inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow. The Foundation is dedicated to building a future in which learning through play empowers children to become creative, engaged, lifelong learners. Its work is about re-defining play and re-imagining learning. In collaboration with thought leaders, influencers, educators and parents the LEGO Foundation aims to equip, inspire and activate champions for play. www.learningthroughplay.com
Design School Kolding
Lene Tanggaard, Rector
M: +45 4078 1200
E: lt@dskd.dk
LEGO Foundation
Bryony Lester, Senior Advocacy and Communication Specialist
M: +45 2843 5774
E: Bryony.lester@LEGO.com
“Legen er også en motor for kreative processer og en integreret del af Designskolens måde at uddanne og forske på. Lene Tanggaard, rektor på Designskolen Kolding”