Can an app open a region?
Head of Development at VisitAarhus, Trine Lundorff, presented the brief. And it is some project the students have become involved in. The challenge is how to turn the Aarhus 2017 European Capital of Culture event into a regional project that involves the entire Central Jutland Region.
Using method cards the students have spent 7 weeks investigating a complex problem, identifying a relevant and interesting challenge and coming up with conceptual solutions.
One group has developed an app that visualises the experiences that the Central Jutland Region has to offer – outside the city of Aarhus. View the presentation.
The presentations went so well that four groups have been invited to make their presentation again at VisitAarhus on 13 November where the Head of Business Tourism will also be present.
“Det har været en super god oplevelse at komme som virksomhed og stille de studerende en opgave, som vi selv går og 'bøvler' med. Og så opleve, at der virkelig bliver gået til den med en høj grad af seriøsitet og kreativitet.- Trine Lundorf, Udviklingschef VisitAarhus”