29 Apr 2014 / The school and employees

Morgenthaler gives candid lecture

Anders Morgenthaler becomes affiliate professor at Design School Kolding with a lecture on the failures of his life.
By Katrine Worsøe

The tone was rough and fierce when Illustrator, Interaction Designer and Filmmaker Anders Morgenthaler gave his inaugural lecture as affiliate professor at Design School Kolding. Under the headline 'Humour and Seriousness' the satirist carefully listed all of his least successful endeavours in life, from comic strips to motion pictures to a grocery sector adventure.

As predicted the lecture also contained a string of juicy oaths and attacks on normality which made the notebook of this reporter blush. Still, there was a method in the madness which over and over again made the audience, comprising present and former students, laugh out loud:

“Make sure you know how to take care of yourselves. Through economic morass and unrequited love. The only thing you can count on in life is the head on your shoulders. So figure out what it is you want to do in life," the new professor said to the students.

Anders Morgenthaler receives the honorary title for his professional skill, his unique activity level, and his excellent entrepreneurship.

Anders Morgenthaler has a BA degree in Interaction Design from Design School Kolding.

“I love Kolding because it's boring as Hell. When I had walked the streets enough times greeting the same people over and over I decided I might as well go back to the school and learn something.”