Three open lectures at CIID in February and March
OPEN Lecture: Sha Xin Wei
Sha Xin Wei and Jamie Allen will be launching the exciting Intel Fellowship @ CIID.
CIID, along with the California College of the Arts, Royal College of Art, Art Center College of Design & Carnegie Mellon University has been chosen as five international Design schools to be part of Intel's ongoing IxD programme. The programme looks at aspects of interactive technologies in collaboration with Intel research and development, engineering and design researchers. CIID has the privilege of researcher, artist, technologist and philosopher Sha Xin Wei joining their research team as part of this new Intel sponsored programme.
In connection with the launch of the Intel Fellowship, Sha Xin Wei will do an OPEN lecture at CIID.
When: 5-6pm - Thursday, Feb 20th, 2014
Where: CIID, Toldbodgade 37b, 1253, Copenhagen K, DENMARK
There are limited seats for this lecture so please sign-up by emailing: info@ciid.dk (with 'Sha' in the subject line)
About Sha Xin Wei's project: http://quickenpaper.weebly.com/
About the Intel Fellowship @ CIID: http://ciid.dk/research/fellowships/
OPEN Lecture: Andreas Koller
Andreas Koller is an interaction designer and visual artist exploring the relationship between people and digital technology. Working antidisciplinary with software and generative methods in a human-centered design process, he aims to create content-driven, engaging and meaningful works at the intersection of design, art and technology.
In his lecture, Andreas will give insight into his creative, artistic and commercial practice and present his recent projects, as well as his results from his CIID Research Residency. Also, he'll give insight into his work for Skype, where he is prototyping interfaces and improving the workflow between designers and developers.
When: 5-6pm - Weds, March 5th, 2014
Where: CIID, Toldbodgade 37b, 1253, Copenhagen K, DENMARK
There are limited seats for this lecture so please sign-up by emailing: info@ciid.dk (with 'AK' in the subject line)
More information: http://ciid.dk/2014/03/05/open-lecture-andreas-koller/
OPEN Lecture: Professor Mark Dorrian
Weather Control: Dubai's Sunny Mountain Ski-Dome as an Allegory of the Future
Weather control is a familiar object of pre-modern ritual and magical practices, but it also appears in one of the earliest works of science fiction, Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Here, however, rather than being directed toward renewal, it has become turned toward habitat destruction.
This talk will read this long history in relation to contemporary technologies of - and aspirations for - weather control. It will reflect on the ever-increasing militarization of weather foreshadowed in Swift's tale, announced in the contemporary military project to "own the weather", and the concomitant privatization and commodification of what had hitherto seemed the very emblem of freedom, the air itself. Biography: http://ciid.dk/education/people/guests/mark-dorrian/
When: 5-6pm - Weds, March 19th, 2014
Where: CIID, Toldbodgade 37b, 1253, Copenhagen K, DENMARK
There are limited seats for this lecture so please sign-up by emailing: info@ciid.dk (with 'Dorrian' in the subject line)
More information: http://ciid.dk/2014/03/19/open-lecture-professor-mark-dorrian/