Forsknings- og udviklingsprojekt

Health & IT

Deltagere fra Designskolen Kolding
Andrea Corradini, PhD
Forsknings- og udviklings projekttype
Forskning og udvikling
2015 - 2016

Andrea Corradini, PhD

LAB for Socialt Design
LAB tema
Citizenship and Agency
Eksterne links
The research looks at advanced IT-solutions that can support an active and healthy life by enabling early detection, minimization of risks associated with aging and/or medical conditions, and emotional support.

Health & IT

The focus of this research area is on the development and use of design coupled with healthcare information technology, which has the potential to contribute towards sustainable health care.

The research looks at advanced IT-solutions that can support an active and healthy life by enabling early detection, minimization of risks associated with aging and/or medical conditions, and emotional support.

Another major research goal within this area is to design a new type of health care provider that supports patients’ wishes and needs, self-monitoring, adherence to long-term treatments, and personalized follow-up management. The project is ongoing.

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Christina Stind Rosendahl

Christina Stind Rosendahl

Kvalitetskoordinator | Forskningssekretær