Forsknings- og udviklingsprojekt

ME-YOU-US Building digital 3D competences in fashion education for diversity, inclusion, and a green transition

Deltagere fra Designskolen Kolding
Ulla Ræbild
Christel Arnevik
Tiia Jaakkola
Forsknings- og udviklings projekttype
Forskning og udvikling
2022 - 2025

Christel Arnevik

LAB for Bæredygtighed og Design
LAB tema
Designer Life
University of Ljubljana
Willem de Kooning Academy
Eksterne links
Project website
ME-YOU-US examines the place of traditional fashion and textile design education in this new reality and works to keep our education capabilities sharp and up to the state of the art - and that means going digital.


Building digital 3D competences in fashion education for diversity, inclusion, and a green transition

The key question is how to use digital tools in fashion education - for a green transition, inclusion and diversity. The approach builds upon existing teaching methods in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

Through the meaningful and pedagogical implementation of digital tools, the ME-YOU-US Project seeks to provide fashion educators and students with the knowledge and skills required to engage in sustainable practices and shape the industry accordingly.

The goal is to create a library of 9-course modules that show the utilization of digital tools and technology, such as 3D virtual prototyping, body scanning, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR), for sustainable design in artistic fashion education.

ME-YOU-US is a 3-year EU-funded collaboration between the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia, Willem de Kooning Academy in Netherlands and Design School Kolding in Denmark.

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Ulla Ræbild
Lab for Bæredygtighed og Design

Ulla Ræbild

Lektor, ph.d., underviser Design for Planet og modedesign
Christel Arnevik
Lab for Bæredygtighed og Design

Christel Arnevik

Studielektor, studieretningsansvarlig for modedesign, underviser Design for Planet og modedesign