Digital Intimacy with Feminist Technologies
DigiTalks @Design School Kolding is proud to present Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard, PhD, Designer, Artist, Scientist and Postdoctoral Researcher at Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Norway.
Drawing on examples from her own practice of designing technologies for menstrual and sexual health, Marie Louise Juul Søndergaard will present how the design of intimate technologies can embody feminist values of the body, plurality, agency and materiality. Rather than envisioning utopian or dystopian futures of tech, she calls for designers to practice what Haraway calls “staying with the trouble”; a material-speculative practice of grappling with socio-technical-environmental issues of our collective pasts-presents-futures.
When and where?
The Auditorium at Design School Kolding
Monday, 7 March 2022 at 15.00 – 16.30 CET
DigiTalks @Design School Kolding is where you get your regular dose of digital inspiration, discover trends in design and digital technology, and become inspired to challenge your own beliefs and ideas about human interaction, ethics, materiality and form. Each session features a different speaker discussing and sharing insights, best practices, new technologies and knowledge in the context of design and design thinking.