Obama party at Design School Kolding

When Barack Obama visits Kolding this Friday, Design School Kolding will be joining the party with a special exhibition and a foodtruck with some of Obama’s favourite dishes.

At Design School Kolding we look forward to former president Obama’s visit to Kolding this Friday. So we decided to contribute to the festivities with a series of events. The theme of the events is Design for Hope, inspired by Mr. Obama. In her semester start speech, Rector Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen introduced this theme of designing for hope and prosperity. In the school lobby we will be presenting a special exhibition showcasing our three focal areas: Design for People, Design for Play and Design for Planet and close collaboration with industry. The exhibition opens Friday and everyone is welcome to stop by.

Foodtruck with Obama favourites
The canteen will be serving some of Obama’s favourite foods from a foodtruck outside. The Prez Obama burger by Good Stuff Eatery, Michelle Obama’s chocolate chip cookies, and coffee and soda. The foodtruck will be open from 10-14.

The front of the building will also be dressed for the occasion in 20 kilometres of coloured string carefully woven to create a beautiful, inviting pattern.

Design students, Mira Lange Hansen and Dominika Majewska, have been invited to participate in the Q&A event at the University of Southern Denmark. They will keep the rest of us updated on Design School Kolding’s Instagram profile – so check it out! #designforhope

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