Can a place be a brand?
Historically branding has been thought of as a marketing device to sell products. What if we used it as a mechanism to help create exchange and value? What if branding, usually aligned strictly with corporate interests, could be used to identify, promote, and visualize a larger public good?
Design School Kolding wants to explore this with the international conference BRAND x (Place).
The conference is organized by Stephan Saaltink, Head of Communication Design at Design School Kolding, together with Hunter Tura, CEO Bruce Mau Design, and Mads Quistgaard, Partner URGENT.
The topic of the talk by The Danish Ambassador, Consul General in New York Jarl Frijs-Madsen is “Nation Branding – How to brand Denmark in New York”. Additional conference speakers are Hunter Tura (Bruce Mau Design), Christian Pagh (Urgent), Mads Quistgaard (Urgent), Lars Jørstad Nordbye (Snøhetta) and Ulrik Jungersen (Kolding Municipality).
The conference is held on Friday May 29 at Design School Kolding. Participation is free.