LAB publishes recommendations about welfare technology
These are some of the observations made by the Design School Kolding Lab for Social Design during its two years of focusing on welfare technology.
In order to make things easier for those recommending and working with welfare technology, the Lab has published a report in Danish: ”11 anbefalinger til jer, der skal i gang med velfærdsteknologi”.
- Two years of working with welfare technology has shown us that the potential is enormous; but so are the hurdles and the pitfalls. So we wanted to collect our knowledge in a series of recommendations aimed at practitioners, at politicians and planners, says Head of Development and Procrector Mette Mikkelsen.
Challenges, experiences and successes
The reports tells of difficulties and successes. Of barriers and possibilities; of radical and incremental innovation. It passes on the experiences of company leaders, researchers, experts and analysts.
Help to help yourself
Also, the report contains a series of articles on design methods which will support your process of implementing welfare technology.