An atmospheric approach to sound in museum exhibitions
- Deltagere fra Designskolen Kolding
Jonas Rasmussen Kirkegaard
- Forsknings- og udviklings projekttype
- Ph.d.-projekt
- Projektperiode
- apr. 2024 - mar. 2027
- Projektledelse
Kolding School of Design, LAB for Play & Design, Lektor Sune Klok Gudiksen
- LAB for Leg og Design
- LAB tema
- Playful attractions
- Samarbejdspartnere
- UC Syd Sonic College
Hope & Despair – Interreg Project
The research project aims to advance a designerly approach to creating atmospheres in museum exhibitions through the use of sound, deepening our understanding of atmospheres and their significance in museum settings.
This project contributes to the ongoing development of the "atmosphere" concept, moving it from a primarily aesthetic and theoretical framework to a more practical and operational field. This shift will be achieved through intervention experiments and the development of methods for assessment and evaluation.
Additionally, the project seeks to enhance museum professionals' understanding of sound in exhibition design through talks, keynote presentations, publications, and networking opportunities.
The outcomes will include the specific artefacts developed and their associated documentation, intended to serve as exemplary models for both academic and museum professional contexts. Additionally, publications and conference contributions will be produced to share findings throughout the project's course.
The research design adopts a programmatic approach, exploring research questions through three distinct “perspectives” applied to three different artefact designs. These perspectives—AUGMENTATION, REVELATION, and CO-CREATION—each represent unique aspects of atmospheric design using sound, which will be examined in detail.
For each intervention, various methods of data collection and analysis will be employed, including video ethnography, interviews, recall sessions, autoethnography, reflective analysis, and phenomenographic analysis.