Forsknings- og udviklingsprojekt

Socio-Technical Transition for a Circular Diaper System in 2030

Deltagere fra Designskolen Kolding
Karen Marie Hasling
Morten Krogh Petersen
Victoria Ankerstjerne
Forsknings- og udviklings projekttype
Forskning og udvikling
feb. 2024 - feb. 2027

Southern University Denmark (SDU)

LAB for Bæredygtighed og Design
LAB tema
Everyday Life
Organisational Life
University of Southern Denmark
Abena A/S
Odense Renovation A/S
Odense Kommune / Odense Municipality
Aarhus Kommune
The goal is to lay the foundation for a holistic system change towards a sustainable diaper system in Denmark in 2030 by combining technical solutions with deep understanding of cultural practices.

Objectives and activities

Every year, around 500 million disposable diapers are used in Denmark, equivalent to 50-100,000 tons of diaper waste. Of this, 10-15,000 tons are plastic waste (including plastic fibers). The diaper consumption accounts for approximately 100,000 tons of CO2-equivalent emissions in production and disposal.

Taking a multidisciplinary and cross-sector approach, Blesystem2030 pairs technical innovation and circular system demonstration with an understanding of care practice, as well as socio-cultural barriers to adoption. The project addresses system transformation, and thus consists or partners across the value chain, from design and product manufacture to users and consumers, to circular logistics and end-of-life management.

The project is concerned around diapers for elderly institutionalized residents, and the understanding of diaper and care practices are based on deep ethnographic fieldwork at nursing homes in Denmark.

Throughout the project, several tryouts of new diapers will be carried out, hopefully with less residual waste and more sustainable workflows as a result.

The project is funded by Trace and Innovation Fund Denmark.


Morten Krogh Petersen
Lab for Bæredygtighed og Design

Morten Krogh Petersen

Lektor, Studieretningsansvarlig for Diplomuddannelsen, Lab for Bæredygtighed og Design
Lab for Bæredygtighed og Design

Victoria Ankerstjerne

Ph.d.-studerende, Lab for Bæredygtighed og Design