HELLO Let’s Go- on demand
If you missed the live online conversation between Lene Tanggaard and Morten Albæk, don't despair. It's now available on demand for you to experience or re-experience at your own convenience.
In this session you will learn from the brightest minds how to overcome difficulties, remove uncertainty, and find meaning and hope in challenging times.
2020 has been a difficult year for all of us filled with obstacles and dilemmas. The pandemic has highlighted issues of inequality and job security, and on a personal level many have struggled with loneliness and having to adjust to a new workflow.
The world we live in is a difficult place with tough decisions and big challenges, but we invite you to listen in on the dialogue and discussion of how we manage to succeed in the intersection between design and life as Lene Tanggaard, Rector of Design School Kolding, and Morten Albæk, newly elected Chairman of the Board of Design School Kolding, share their thoughts and reflections.
Who are the experts?
In addition to being the Rector of Design School Kolding, Lene Tanggaard is also a Professor of Psychology. Morten Albæk is a Philosopher and best-selling author as well as Founder and CEO of Voluntas.
Hosted by Adam Montandon.
The session was originally transmitted live on Zoom on 6 October 2020 as part of the LOOK DON'T TOUCH graduation exhibition 2020. An exhibition that displays and celebrates the new designers. Enjoy the exhibition at the Museum at Koldinghus 18 September -22 November 2020 and in the online catalogue