01 apr. 2024 / Nyt om de studerende

Mød Ronni Aakermann Johansen

Ronni Aakermann Johansen, dansk studerende på DesignCamp2017, om Camp, design, bæredygtighed og fremtiden
Af Marianne Baggesen Hilger

School: Design School Kolding
Line of study + year: 1 year master Textile Knitting
Nationality: Danish

Use five words to describe the Camp experience
Teamwork, fun, how about, design thinking, new people

Why are you here?
I'm here because it is a part of my master education, to broaden the general design thinking

What has been your biggest learning experience in the DesignCamp so far?
It has been great fun to work with our partner, which is a local school. Most of the things we take for granted is completely new and innovative to them. We want to change the habits of pupils and teachers both and create a sustainable school that enables pupils, teachers and families together to create the sustainable school of the future.

How do you think that you or designers in general can help create sustainable actions?
Sustainability is not only about materials but also about how the consumer is able to interact with the product and about making sure that the product is user-friendly and easy to fit into your normal lifestyle without compromising aesthetics or environments.

Generally, what inspires you?
Mostly everything from nature and the effects and functions that can be found in nature inspire me to come up with new innovative solutions that are sustainable and highly functional. If we believe in love, I think we must do everything we can to find another way.

What has caught your professional attention at the moment?
At the moment my focus is on research and developing new footwear design solutions using knitted materials.

What would be your ideal job – and why?
To work as a “Knitting engineering innovation managing lead” that allows me to be “the good Moses”. I would like to work in small groups and with project maintenance to make sure that we always produce completely innovative products and solutions. I would use all my knowledge about sustainability, technology and innovation to make sure that the company moves in only one direction, and that is forward.

“Most of the things we take for granted is completely new and innovative to them.Ronni Aakermann Johansen”