Plant a Seed - Dystopia


Project Type
Cross-disciplinary educational project, DesignCamp2017, Candidate 1st semester, Danish and international students
Project Period
February 17 – Maj 17
Project Management
Liv Eskholm og Lykke Kjær
The kindergarten Løvetand, four children 4-5 years old and one teacher
Participants from Design School Kolding
Lise Connard, Candidate, Industrial Design, Design School Kolding, Shamir Khan, Candidate, Communication Design, Design School Kolding, Liv Eskholm, Lab for Sustainability and Design, Design School Kolding
Knoeledge base
Design professional development work


Problem formulation

Kolding Municipality's Environment and Sustainability Department intends to provide educators with tools so that children, through play, can reflect on how we better take care of our planet.

The goal/objective of the project
The goal is to develop methods that motivate children for reflection, play and physical movement using the theme recycling as a focal point.

Project methods and results
In collaboration with the kindergarten Løvetand design students have developed and tested a board game for 3-5 year-olds, which, through play, arouses the children's interest in waste sorting. In the game the children sift waste into different categories, and the earth responds by smiling at everyone as a recognition of their diligent efforts. In order to test the level of physical movement of the game, we made a prototype measuring 3x3 meters and tested the game with teachers and children in the kindergarten Løvetand. The game generates a lot of curiosity and also honesty from the children, and many good suggestions emerged for how and why we sort things.


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