Fashion Ecologies Experiences of fashion localism
Between 2016 and 2018, Kate Fletcher led an experimental piece of work on fashion localism called Fashion Ecologies based in Macclesfield, a small town in the north of England. In this lecture Kate will talk about the project’s underpinning ideas, the place, the research, the methods, the project outcomes and the many challenges of working in new territory.
Design School Kolding is proud to have Dr. Kate Fletcher as guest professor also in the spring. The professorship represents the culmination of a longstanding collaboration between Kate Fletcher and Design School Kolding on research activities, publications and more relating to sustainability in fashion and textile design.
Dr. Kate Fletcher will be giving her lecture, online on Monday April 19th, 14:00–14:45: https://dskd-dk.zoom.us/j/67648287311
After a short break there will be a seminar on the same topic, Monday April 19th, 15:00–16:00.
Everyone is welcome, but please register for the seminar by writing to Professor Thomas Binder at tb@dskd.dk
About Dr. Kate Fletcher
Kate Fletcher’s work is both rooted in nature’s principles and engaged with the cultural and creative forces of fashion and design. For more than two decades, her original thinking and progressive outlook has infused the field of fashion, textiles and sustainability with design thinking, and come to define it. Kate Fletcher brought systems thinking to fashion – and this and the pioneering key concepts such as Earth Logic, Fashion Ecologies, ‘craft of use’ and ‘post-growth’ fashion and her role as a co-founder of the Union of Concerned Researchers in Fashion – have fundamentally changed how fashion, textiles and sustainability is understood and also engaged thousands of people worldwide with a pioneering approach. Kate Fletcher is Research Professor of Sustainability Design & Fashion at the Centre for Sustainable Fashion, University of the Arts London.