Collection and Production

On my first day here at Design School Kolding I got a “tour” of the school. I saw all the different workshops and everything. The only thing going on in my mind was “Wow! I want to use all the workshops and all the machines in them”. It feels like just yesterday I was on this tour and here I am suddenly realising that I am leaving in just a few weeks!

My last course at the school was called Collection and Production - a collaboration with Swedish company Ludvig Svensson. This course, I must tell you, was the most intense course I have had here. I worked on a collection which contains both weave and print patterns. I came to realise that weaves and print patterns are always fun to work with but when I have to work with both of them in one collection, it’s a big challenge.

I was on a major learning journey. A journey, that began with inspirations to mood boards to sketches to print patterns and weaves to samples and finally to a collection. This journey was exciting enough for me, but like a cherry on top, I got to use the digital printer and the digital jacquard.


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